TEEN TOP Gelar Pertunjukan Unik di Atas Kapal

Kapal yang berangkat dari Osaka pada 17 Maret itu, memilih Pulau Jeju sebagai persinggahan sebelum mencapai tujuan akhir di Incheon. TEEN TOP berada di barisan pengisi acara sebagai perwakilan idola Hallyu, dan berhasil menyelesaikan pertunjukan sewrta jumpa fans di perayaan pelayaran perdana Harmony Cruise.
Fans mereka, yang pergi sampai ke Osaka untuk turut menikmati pertunjukan dan jumpa fans khusus tersebut, tidak bisa menyembunyikan kegembiraan mereka untuk berbagi pengalaman yang unik dengan TEEN TOP dan memiliki kesempatan untuk secara pribadi memberikan pertanyaan pada idola favorit mereka.
Penampilan TEEN TOP di kapal pesiar ini tidak hanya menarik perhatian fans mereka, tetapi juga media Jepang, seperti Asahi TV. Penyelenggara pertunjukan dan jumpa fans di kapal pesiar itu mengungkapkan mengapa mereka memilih TEEN TOP, “Biasanya orang yang pergi dengan kapal pesiar adalah orang-orang dari generasi tua. Untuk menjangkau generasi muda, kami mendapat bantuan dari TEEN TOP, yang sedang diakui sebagai generasi berikutnya dari bintang Hallyu di Jepang.”
Ketika ditanya tentang pengalaman mereka dengan kapal pesiar tersebut, TEEN TOP mengungkapkan, “Mengadakan pertunjukan dan bertemu dengan para fans di atas dek kapal pesiar adalah pengalaman yang unik. Kami akan terus menemui fans kami melalui acara yang berbeda dan unik.”
Dalam berita lain, dikatakan bahwa TEEN TOP menuju ke Toronto untuk 2012 Canadian Music Festival pada tanggal 21 Maret, yang juga memperlebar jangkauan promosi mereka dari hanya Asia untuk juga merambah Amerika Utara.

TEEN TOP Gelar Pertunjukan Unik di Atas Kapal

Posted by ryryn kasih tau
ELF Indonesia Berharap Super Junior Tak Disambut Syahrini
WowKeren.com - Menjelang kedatangan Super Junior di Indonesia, ternyata ada beberapa ELF yang berharap supaya idolanya tidak dipertemukan dengan Syahrini saat tiba di tanah air. Hal ini terungkap di forum resmi "Super Show 4" di Twitter, #SS4INA, yang dibuatkan oleh promotor Showmaxx Entertainment.

Melalui hash tag ini pula, banyak fans yang mengkhawatirkan Syahrini akan dipilih untuk menyambut Super Junior saat tiba di Indonesia. Ada juga yang keberatan jika Super Junior disambut Ayu Ting Ting.

"#SS4INA cuma 1 permintaan aku. Please jgn ada Syahrini.. -____-," tulis seorang ELF, Sabtu, 24 Maret. ELF lainnya kemudian menimpali, "dan ayu tingting t-__-t".

Tweet itu pun kemudian ramai dibicarakan di forum. Syahrini memang tercatat pernah menyambut kedatangan sejumlah artis terkenal yang datang ke Indonesia seperti David Beckham, Hyun Bin hingga Jorge Lorenzo. Hal ini sempat memicu kontroversi dan komentar negatif kepada pelantun "Sesuatu" itu.

Beberapa diantaranya bahkan berandai-andai jika Super Junior bertemu dengan artis wanita Indonesia. "#SS4INA tiba-tiba SJ ketemu artis. Dan tengtengggg~~ artisnya tuh Cherry Belle, ayu ting2, syahrini, 7 Icons dan lain2nya. Jd apa dunia?" tulis seorang fans. "#SS4INA palingan banyak kalangan artis Indo yang lihat."

Sementara itu, di saat harga tiket belum diumumkan promotor, kini marak pihak-pihak yang menawarkan jasa pre-order tiket konser dengan syarat membayar uang muka (DP). Tidak sedikit fans yang saling mengingatkan untuk membeli tiket dari pihak resmi yang ditunjuk promotor.

ELF Indonesia Berharap Super Junior Tak Disambut Syahrini

Posted by ryryn kasih tau

Yesung Super Junior Bawakan SHINee Snack di Ruang Ganti

WowKeren.com - Salah satu personil Super Junior, Yesung, menunjukkan dukungannya kepada artis yuniornya, SHINee, yang comeback bulan ini. Dukungan itu ditunjukkannya dengan mendatangi ruang ganti SHINee saat tampil di acara "Music Bank", Jumat, 23 Maret.

Di backstage, SHINee bertemu dengan artis senior dan yunior mereka. Onew, Key, Jonghyun, Taemin dan Minho juga memberikan CD mereka yang sudah dibubuhi tanda tangan. Namun Yesung justru berbeda. Dia malah yang mendatangi ruang ganti SHINee dan membawakan minuman serta snack.

Menurut Yesung, ini adalah salah satu caranya dalam mendukung aksi juniornya itu. Melihat perhatian seniornya, SHINee mengucapkan terima kasih.

Yesung Super Junior Bawakan SHINee Snack

Posted by ryryn kasih tau

Menikah, Leeteuk "Super Junior" Ingin Sebar 50 Ribu Undangan

Topik pernikahan muncul di episode terbaru serial televisi populer di Korea Selatan, We Got Married.

Leeteuk salah satu personel Super Junior yang jadi pelakon di serial ini memberikan nasihat kepada Donghae (personel Super Junior yang juga berakting di sini) yang akan melakukan kencan dengan istrinya yang diperankan Son Eun Seo.

Leeteuk mengatakan," Saya ingin menikah di Jamsil Stadium. Di stadium kira-kira saya akan mengundang 40 ribu hingga 50 ribu tamu undangan. Saya juga berencana memakai helikopter dan mendarat di tengah-tengah stadion. Setelah itu, saya ingin mengelilingi stadion dengan limusin."

Lalu Leeteuk melanjutkan,"Semester setelah pernikahan, saya ingin jadi penyanyi pernikahan dan memiliki penampilan untuk perayaan. Semester selanjutnya, saya ingin memiliki upacara pernikahan."

Istri Leeteuk yang diperankan Kang Sora dan Donghae yang mendengar ucapan Leeteuk tampak terkejut. Kang Sora menimpali,"Dia (Leeteuk) menyukai hal yang berskala besar," hingga mengundang gelak tawa

Menikah, Leeteuk "Super Junior" Ingin Sebar 50 Ribu Undangan

Posted by ryryn kasih tau
WowKeren.com - Leeteuk dikenal sebagai leader Super Junior yang berkarisma dan perhatian kepada para anggotanya. Melihat grup senior Shinhwa comeback dengan format personil lengkap, Leeteuk pun berharap grupnya bisa seperti itu.

Uneg-uneg ini ditulisnya di Twitter, @special1004, Jumat, 23 Maret. "Shinhwa hyungnim! ^^ Kalian sangat hebat. Kami juga akan menjaga (keutuhan) para personil dan mencintainya. Guguplah! Super Junior akan mengejar kalian," tweet Leeteuk.

Leeteuk sepertinya belajar banyak dari solidaritas boyband Shinhwa yang sudah berkarir selama 14 tahun di industri hiburan dan musik Korea Selatan. Super Junior sendiri telah melewati fase-fase kritis lima tahun karir bersama.

"Kuharap Super Junior bisa selalu kompak seperti Shinhwa," komentar fans. "Kami akan selalu mendukung kalian," komentar fans lainnya.

Super Junior Awet Seperti Shinhwa

Posted by ryryn kasih tau

50 Diet Tips For You

50 Diet Tips For You
Slim and beautiful dream of all women. Although it is not easy to do but many women are willing to starve and exercise for hours. A good diet is not the way to fast food but also setting based on age and activity. Here are some tips that are guaranteed to make your diet better and healthier.
50 Diet Tips For You
Here are tips and tricks for those of you who want to diet:
50 Diet Tips For You
1. Avoid thinking all or nothing. Fasting is not the best way to lose weight. Eat enough and set the intake of calories wisely.
50 Diet Tips For You
2. Cut the fruit that you like in small pieces to replace unhealthy snacks.
50 Diet Tips For You
3. Avoid eating snacks from the jar, you will not realize how much has entered into your mouth. Put in a plate or simply grab a handful.
50 Diet Tips For You
4. If you include people who like bread, choose a wholegrain.
50 Diet Tips For You
5. Avoid foods that contain more than 10 percent fat. Read the nutrition information labels on the boxes of food.
50 Diet Tips For You
6. Write down the foods that you eat for 2 weeks. Believe me you will be surprised!
50 Diet Tips For You
7. Butter contains saturated fat. Avoid or replace with low fat.
50 Diet Tips For You
8. Bring a water bottle with you wherever you go. That way you will not be dehydrated and also less likely to choose a fizzy drink or too much sugar.
50 Diet Tips For You
9. Try detoxification, to remove toxins in your body

10. Snack good for you for lunch or evening to prevent overload.
50 Diet Tips For You
11. Find a friend or partner to go on a diet together. It will help you both mutually motivated bias.
50 Diet Tips For You
12. Find out your destructive habits of diet programs. If you like snacking on bread to the gym, change your route!

13. Drink plenty of mineral water
50 Diet Tips For You
14. Vegetables low in calories but do not cook too long because the nutritional content is subject to change.
50 Diet Tips For You
15. If you are accustomed to eating large end SPADA pekan.Usahakan snacks low in fat and calories are stored either in the closet!

16. Always choose the smallest portion of an existing restaurant menu
50 Diet Tips For You
17. Buy a juicer and start create your own creative juices. Do not forget to try the vegetable juice. Rich in vitamins and less fructose.
50 Diet Tips For You
18. Do not think that the salad is always safe to eat. They usually also combined with mayonnaise and cheese.
50 Diet Tips For You
19. Brush your teeth if cravings arise. Food taste bad after you brush your teeth.
50 Diet Tips For You
20. Want to eat chocolate? Choose low-fat chocolate!
50 Diet Tips For You
21. PMS increases while eating? Opponent with Almond nut consumption. They give a lot of protein and also reduce cravings for sweet foods.
50 Diet Tips For You
22. Choose foods that are boiled, berkuah, in teams, or burned before you choose a deep-fried.
50 Diet Tips For You
23. Choose a diet of celery as a loyal friend from now on.

24. Note how the slim woman ordering food. Find out and make their secret, your secret.

25. Use chopsticks to slow down your eating.

26. Avoid snacking when you're bored, replace with the things you want to do but no time!

27. Do not think you'll begin dieting after a period of stress. Believe me this time will always be there! Instead prepare yourself to face these times and stay focused on your diet.

28. 3 hours is time favorite snack. The best option to increase energy include bananas, beans and low fat yogurt.
50 Diet Tips For You
29. Try to opt for quality over quantity.

30. Add chili or spices to enhance your body's metabolism.
50 Diet Tips For You
31. Add ice into your drink. Because your body needs energy to match the drink to body temperature. Which in turn will burn your fat!
50 Diet Tips For You
32. Prepare all your own food instead of fast food. It will be easier for you to control your intake of sugar and calories used.
50 Diet Tips For You
33. To defeat hunger when cooking, start by eating a big plate of salad!
50 Diet Tips For You
34. When reading an article about a diet that fits you. Cut out and stick your dikulkas!
50 Diet Tips For You
35. Get enough sleep! Prolonged fatigue will cause you to achieve high-calorie foods.
50 Diet Tips For You
36. Soy milk is a better alternative to consume low-fat milk!
50 Diet Tips For You
37. Reduce your salt!
50 Diet Tips For You
38. Put the photos on the refrigerator to motivate you!
50 Diet Tips For You
39. Go Green! Choose a green vegetable or green tea which will contribute to your health!
50 Diet Tips For You
40. Choose a diet if you are forced to drink soda.
50 Diet Tips For You
41. For maximum fat burning then you are required to consume nuts!
50 Diet Tips For You
42. It's easy to make appointments in restaurants or cafes, but choose a spot that will not make you have to eat! Such as sports or crafts!
50 Diet Tips For You
43. Choose the stairs instead of elevators or escalators.
50 Diet Tips For You
44. Calculate your budget for food or snacks. You can allocate these funds for other purposes.
50 Diet Tips For You
45. Bananas are the best foods before you start exercising. Banana filled with potassium which helps with muscle and water levels in your body.
50 Diet Tips For You
46. Do not do anything else when you're eating. If you are eating while reading or while watching, you would immediately associate both of these activities. You will soon be eating so the TV is turned on.
50 Diet Tips For You
47. Make sure you get enough sun. Vitamin D will help you get more calcium that will further accelerate the process of metabolism.
50 Diet Tips For You
48. Try Herbal Tea in turns and choose your favorite. Trust is the best investment for your health.
50 Diet Tips For You
49. Gigitlah your food slowly!
50 Diet Tips For You
50. Drink a glass of water with lemon juice to help increase your metabolism!


Posted by ryryn kasih tau

How to remove blackheads

Many young people are experiencing blackheads. Until it makes him less confident. Actually blackheads can be on or hide with a few tips. But for beauty products at this time there are also products that help you to eliminate the problem of blackheads.
How to remove blackheads
Actually blackheads appear resulting from the dirt that clog pores so the oil will come out to be obstructed or could become acne blackheads. For that let us consider a few tips that help you to remove blackheads.
How to remove blackheads
- Orange Skin
The buddy can try orange peel for the first step. The trick is to mix the orange peel with water to form a thick paste. After that put the orange peel that has become the paste in the growth of blackheads. We recommend that you leave overnight. After that rinse using clean water.
How to remove blackheads
- Egg White
In addition to the buddy orange peel can also remove blackheads by using egg whites. The trick is to shake the egg whites, then add 2 tablespoons of fresh honey. After that, apply a mixture of egg white and honey had on the entire face. Let dry for 20 to 30 minutes. After that rinse using warm water. Should be used 2 times a week.
How to remove blackheads
- Toothpaste
Besides using the 2 ways above, the buddy can try the easiest, is by using toothpaste. In addition to material that is easy to do also very easy. Put toothpaste on the blackheads, especially on the nose area. After that let the toothpaste to dry out, because the blackheads will be very easy to remove.
How to remove blackheads
Wash your face once a day using warm water that has been mixed with salt. Salt will reduce the excess oil, in other words helps eliminate blackheads.
How to remove blackheads
Aloe vera
Break the stem and rub aloe vera mucus into the area with blackheads. Aloe vera will smooth the skin and accelerate skin healing process. The result, fresher skin without blackheads.

tips How to remove blackheads

Posted by ryryn kasih tau